January 02, 2007


let the adventure begin!

what is this all about...well....

I (aruna) LOVE food, eating food, trying new food, cooking food, looking at food. Food to me is so much more about an extension of an experience that you have with someone. I dont know why it holds so much joy for me..but it does. Maybe it has to do with my heritage (pakistani) and its role in my culture. I dont know but flavors make me feel more alive.

soo...of course i want to impart that love on my lovely fiance(steve). so one of my favorite food stories is that when we first met his sweet soul didnt even use salt on pepper on scrambled eggs..not that you need it but you need some flavor! poor man his palatte seemed to think that a mcDonalds chicken salad was a great lunch. "all that white lettuce is great for you.." so of course he's missing out and he can speak to his food "perferences" or his pickiness..but he has done wonderful in trying new foods, giving wierd things a try...and as always it is sooo amusing...:) he adds humor in my life with his ways.

so we thought lets start a blog...I think of food one way and he usually thinks of it in another...thai food to me is HMMM..delicious range of flavors built from sweet and spiciness. To him thai food basically taste like A1 BBQ sauce....

so please enjoy our adventures...:)

1 comment:

alicia said...
